--------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound Trajectory - Version - December 23 2027 - Note Releases --------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Sound Trajectory : https://www.tripinlab.com/downloads ____________________________ Improvement and Fixed Bugs ___________________________ V3.0.0.3 - 23/12/24 - fix a configuration error activating glcore mode instead of gl2, sometimes causing the software to crash on launch V3.0.0.2 - 21/12/24 -New audio rendering with Ambisonic audio engine up to 11th order. -Ambisonic output bus up to 7th order (compatible with IEM or Sparta plug-ins). -Support for 512 objects and 128 multichannel tracks (including multi-delay configurations). -Full ADM-OSC support, providing all the parameters needed to control other compatible spatialization software. -New FX implementation. Full 3D spatial navigation: it's now possible to position sound sources beyond the central area of the scene with full navigation on the 2D virtual world map. -Simplified editing mode with a source lock function and a rack to activate/deactivate input and output parameters per track (shortcut: L). -New system for saving session parameters. -New interface features for visualization and interactive control. New speaker and source editor features. -Customizable control from MIDI and OSC controllers. Track-based macros High-density loudspeaker configurations can be managed by converting sources into loudspeakers, loudspeakers into sources, or by transforming entire object sets accordingly. These configurations can be exported as CSV files. - New presets for a variety of situations and configurations. - visible track group manager. V2.1.5 - December 2023 fix many bugs on Mac V2.1.3 - December 2023 fix many bugs on Mac and windows V2.0.1 - 11/04/22 fix many bugs on Mac and Windows - better osc support in and out - faster loading V2.0 - 04/02/22 new version with : - new audio engine - new 3d engine - new multi delay - new Dbap algorithm - new functionally v1.8.1b - 16/12/20 new lightweight version: miniST with up to 16 trajectories and 32 audio inputs Sound trajectory is without limitation. - A single application with all the features. STcontrol, will soon be available separately with support for the main external spatial audio processors. - Optimization of the graphical interface - faster response from the 3D viewer v1.8.1 - 10/11/20 Sound Trajectory SUITE - Fixed many bugs - osc module correction - new midi channel configuration for the sampler - The fast launch is increasing, but still needs to be patient . - fixed a bug that limited the number of audio tracks v1.7.0 - 01/06/20 - new app for each mode Mix, Sampler or Control - fix loading freezing - remove splash screen v1.6 - 01/11/19 - New modes for switch to Suite, Mix, Sampler or Control, each mode is dedicated to a use of ST - New open session menu - up to 128 tracks, 255 audio inputs and 128 voices for the sampler - add recorder for speakers output - Improved audio rendering - Improved reverb rendering - Improved virtual delay space - Improved speaker delay correction - OSX Catalina support - change plugin source by user folder - fix source control layout - fix recall parameters with cuelist - fix sampler audio clic - fix clic problem when switching panel "Interaction Mapping" - fix random mode on trigger event - fix meter position selection - fix few minor bugs - demo limit 10 min - no support for Windows 7 & 8 but can work correctly in some case... v1.5 - 15/04/19 - New interactive mapping engine with modules for audio analyser & event - sampler is now always active on suite version - New audio recorder for HOA bus - New reverse function for the Tracks editor - many improvements, more speed time loading, CPU saving - save feature restored - fix few minor bugs - limited support for Windows 7 & 8 - work only with native resolution, no support for fullscreen - autosaving remove for fix small freeze after store a new cue - demo extend to 1h - some minor arrangement in GUI - increase visibility of path (OpenGl) - fix sources setup save - New version dedicated to mix : ST mix - beta - New version dedicated to sampler : ST sampler - beta - New version dedicated to control : ST control - beta v1.1.2 - 07/12/18 - fix installer for windows - fix menu problem - fix & improved vst loading - fix preference saving for windows v1.1.1 - 30/11/18 - The configuration of the speakers is now independent of the session. - import picture of map in 3d viewer for adjust speakers position and others.. v1.1.0 - 15/11/18 - new space navigator in viewer with key [CTRL + mouse] - improved performance and speed loading - vst3 support - gui improvement - only windows 10 is supported on PC v1.0.8 - 15/05/18 - new version Limited Edition with 4 tracks limit - new beta version "only editor" up to 128 trajectory - fix multichannel sources openGl - fix meter openGl position & index - improved Space Designer (lesser parameter) v1.0.7 - 25/03/18 - new installer for mac and windows - change default folder for Session; Sample and Data, moved in ~/Documents/Sound Trajectory - improved midi support for sampler - improved voice management on sampler - fix audio drivers initializing - fix mixer button status - fix reverb initializing - add preview tracks/inputs/outputs on session panel v1.0.6 - 16/03/18 - fix control of Cuelist by OSC and midi - add Pgm Change with Bank and program (CC0+PG) - update m4l tools in ~/data/tools/m4l - default source position after create a new session v1.0.5 - 11/03/18 - optimized 3D render viewer - improved loading time - fix APFS issues on macOS v1.0.4 - 26/02/18 - audio-meters on 3d view - new documentation online - improved attenuation map - improved aux ambisonic with vst support - simplified some feature -change name of slide by smooth motion -remove interpolation slider -remove button enable meter -remove auto-mute button -remove enable-meter button -remove simple reverb algo - add native screenmode in menubar for best performance - fix multisource mapping - fix driver selection at startup, with a popup warning if driver settings have changed since the last session. v1.0.3 - 05/02/18 - optimized cpu load - improved sampler engine - improved speaker visualization - adding save item on menu "file" (save on current index of Cue manager, slot 1 if the Cue manager is not used) - select edit track by osc - init session menu loading - Auto turn off audio driver when a feedback is detected to protect hearing and hardware. - simplify random walk in algo section v1.0.2 - 24/01/18 - automute dsp input - doppler effect v1.0.1 - 20/01/18 - drag and drop file or folder on the sampler - automute dsp - app signed on macOS for pass Gatekeeper - reverb on all channels - vu-meter on all channels - vst gui v1.0.0 - 10/01/18 ////////////////////// Tripinlab.com ---------------------- contact@tripinlab.com //////////////////////