Tripinlab is a company that designs sound and visual instruments.
Who is behind ?
It was founded by composer and visual artist Maxence Mercier to share the instruments designed for his works.

Iquisme – Maxence Mercier
Maxence Mercier is one of founding member of the Otra artistic collective, which produced digital works in the form of Net Art, participative and interactive installation, music, video and dance.
Origin of sound trajectory ?

The Synesthesium
Sound Trajectory is an adaptation of tools instruments from Iquisme and the work done for the project Synesthesium in collaboration with Léonore Mercier and Arthur H.
Contact of Tripinlab
40 corniche supérieure
83230 Bormes les Mimosas – France
SIRET 501 801 237 00022 APE 4791B
FORMATION : Déclaration d’activité enregistrée sous le N°93830591483, cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’ Etat